Membership Focus
The focus of the South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning is to promote and provide professional growth and development for adult educators in South Dakota:
- Promoting and providing lifelong learning opportunities for all adults.
- Serving as the voice for political issues that affect the livelihood of adult education.
- Furnishing a link to other resources concerned with professional development and lifelong learning.
- Providing a resource for new and expanding opportunities in the field of lifelong learning.
Membership Benefits
There are many benefits to SDALL membership. Members receive the following:
- Eligibility for scholarships to attend local, regional, national, or virtual professional development
- Recognition for accomplishments and contributions
- Statewide leadership opportunities.
- Access to classroom resources
- Everlearning newsletter covering adult education issues and activities
- Year-round professional development opportunities
- Connections with a network of specialists and organizations
- A collective voice which can influence political decision makers
- National COABE membership