Each year SDALL takes time to recognize excellence in the field of Adult Education. SDALL sponsors the SDALL Awards of Merit which recognize outstanding contributions to adult education programs in South Dakota and the Hovland Development Fund Award for activities that increase the knowledge or effectiveness of adult education in South Dakota. SDALL is honored to partner with the West River Foundation which sponsors monetary awards for the award winners.
President's Messege
The SDALL awards celebrate outstanding individuals and agencies for their contributions to Adult Education. Honor those in your agency by nominating them for a SDALL award today!
Jennifer Keyes, SDALL President

SDALL provides members with scholarship opportunities to advance the professional standing of practitioners.

Hovland Development
The South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning Development Fund was created to make small grants available to SDALL members for activities that will increase the knowledge or effectiveness of adult education in South Dakota. Activities which may be funded include--but are not limited to--professional development workshops, seminars, research projects, innovative adult and continuing education activities, and special projects.

Educator Professional Development
South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning (SDALL) Scholarships are for active SDALL members and intended to assist in funding professional development opportunities including state, regional, and national conferences and workshops, distance learning courses, and college courses that will advance the professional standing of SDALL practitioners.